Press release: Change at head of the GRA Foundation Against Racism and Antisemitism

Zurich, 22 December 2016 – as of 1 January 2017, Pascal Pernet will replace Ronnie Bernheim as president of the Board of the Foundation.

As of the end of this year, Ronnie Bernheim will be stepping down from his leadership role at the GRA Foundation Against Racism and Antisemitism. For more than 40 years, Bernheim has been committed to the fight against racism and antisemitism and to increase the awareness and the security of the rights of minorities within civil society. The transfer of the  presidency of was announced at the beginning of this year at the time of the last general meeting.

At the conclusion of his term of office, Bernheim emphasizes: „The federal criminal code against racism introduced in 1995 in Switzerland is more important than ever. It is a vital tool for upholding social and religious peace.“ Bernheim states that the application of this law during the last 20 years has shown the high level of  judgement the Swiss courts have used in enforcing the criminal provision as per art. 261bis of the criminal code, in compliance with civil rights and liberties. Just a few weeks ago, GRA filed a complaint against a neo-Nazi concert in St.Gallen.

Bernheim assumed the presidency from the initiator of the foundation, Sigi Feigel. Under Bernheim’s leadership, national campaigns were launched, using provocative images on posters, and in ads and short films against violence, racism, and antisemitism, addressing racist prejudice and calling for reflection and civil courage. Via social media, the „Stand-up!“ project against racist exclusion was created in cooperation with Rapper Stress. Among the ideas and activities backed by GRA are an interactive E-learning tool on topics such as Islam, Roma and Sinti, the persecution of Jews and historically-burdened terminology, as well as an innovative and playful box with games for day-care providers aimed at training pre-school aged children to deal with exclusion. Every two years, GRA awards the Fischhof prize endowed with fifty thousand Swiss francs together with the sister organization the GMS Foundation for Minorities in Switzerland.

Pascal Pernet has been a board member of the GRA Foundation for seven years and has been its Vice President for the last four years. In addition to his volunteer role for GRA, he works at a Swiss financial institution. He is an economist and holds a degree from the University of St.Gallen. Pernet states: „It is my desire to successfully continue the work of Ronnie Bernheim together with the Board of the Foundation and the executive office. GRA shall continue to be a central and competent body, which is active within Switzerland regarding issues such as prevention of racism and antisemitism and active intervention if necessary.“

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Diskriminierungsbericht 2023

Der neuste Bericht der GRA und GMS zum Jahr 2023 ist da.

Aufgrund der Ausweitung der Diskriminierungsstrafnorm Art. 261bis des Strafgesetzbuches (StGB) in den letzten Jahrzehnten, auch im Hinblick auf Diskriminierungen aufgrund der sexuellen Orientierung, wurde der Bericht umbenannt und heisst nunmehr „Diskriminierungsbericht“ anstelle von „Rassismusbericht“.

Die umfassende Analyse der jährlichen Diskriminierungsfälle in der Schweiz 2023 zeigt einen sprunghaften Anstieg der antisemitischen Vorfälle nach dem Angriff der Hamas und dem nachfolgenden Krieg in Gaza. Damit einher geht eine zunehmende Sichtbarkeit von allgemein diskriminierenden Taten und Hassreden. Die insgesamt 98 registrierten Vorfälle im Jahr 2023 stellen eine Zunahme um mehr als die Hälfte im Vergleich zum Vorjahr dar.

Was für Schlüsse daraus zu ziehen sind und welche Konzepte im Kampf gegen Rassismus und Antisemitismus helfen können sind im vollständigen Bericht inklusive Interview mit Hannan Salamat vom Zürcher Institut für interreligiösen Dialog (ZIID) und der dazugehörigen Medienmitteilung zu finden.


Diskriminierungsbericht 2023

Medienmitteilung Diskriminierungsbericht 2023


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Diskriminierungsbericht 2023
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