Press release: The GRA and GMS Fischhof Prize 2016

Zurich, 31 October 2016 – The GRA Foundation against racism and antisemitism and the GMS Society of Minorities in Switzerland, supported by the Sigi and Evi Feigel Fund, is presenting the Nanny and Erich Fischhof Prize 2016 to two individuals in recognition of their many years spent working in particular ways to tackle racism and promote tolerance. This is particularly relevant at this present time in light of migration flows, fears about immigration amongst the population and action by (right-wing) extremists.


Ms Amira Hafner-Al Jabaji, who since February 2015 has been the presenter of «Sternstunde Religion», is considered «a firm fixture on Swiss television where Islamic issues are concerned», according to her laudatory speaker, Brigitta Rotach. «However, she doesn’t want to talk about Islam merely in relation to problems. For many years she has advocated that Muslims be involved in debates surrounding various pressing social or ethical issues», Ms Rotach continues. Amira Hafner-Al Jabaji skilfully walks the tightrope between majority culture and minority religion and has thus become a point of reference for the non-prejudiced treatment of Muslims in Switzerland. With this award, GRA and GMS are honouring Amira Hafner-Al Jabaji’s long-term commitment to a better understanding of Islam in Switzerland and for a respectful dialogue between religions.


Mr Samuel Althof Kessler was born in Basel in 1955. He is a psychology consultant and has spent many decades studying extremism – whether left-wing, right-wing or religious in nature. In Basel he runs the private «Fexx» centre for the prevention of extremism and violence, which came out of the «Aktion Kinder des Holocaust» initiative. Mr Althof has spent many years working with people from the right- and left-wing extremist scenes. He advises those affected and their families and helps young radical right-wingers to move away from the scene. For some time now Mr Althof has also been working with Muslims who exhibit extremist tendencies and are becoming increasingly radicalised. GRA and GMS are honouring Samuel Althof Kessler with the Fischhof Prize for his decades of tireless effort in a dangerous area on the margins of society, as well as for his courage and skill in the area of tension that lies between peaceful coexistence in an open society and dangerous extremism in any form.


The Nanny and Erich Fischhof Prize amounts to CHF 25,000 for each prizewinner and is awarded to individuals or institutions who have made an outstanding contribution towards fighting racism in general and antisemitism in particular within Switzerland. Nanny Fischhof-Barth (1901-1997) founded the prize in memory of her sister, who lost her Swiss passport through marriage to a Belgian, was no longer admitted into her homeland and was thus murdered by the Nazis as a Jew. At the same time, she was also grateful that an Austrian Jew was welcomed into Switzerland in the war and thus later became her husband.


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Diskriminierungsbericht 2023

Der neuste Bericht der GRA und GMS zum Jahr 2023 ist da.

Aufgrund der Ausweitung der Diskriminierungsstrafnorm Art. 261bis des Strafgesetzbuches (StGB) in den letzten Jahrzehnten, auch im Hinblick auf Diskriminierungen aufgrund der sexuellen Orientierung, wurde der Bericht umbenannt und heisst nunmehr „Diskriminierungsbericht“ anstelle von „Rassismusbericht“.

Die umfassende Analyse der jährlichen Diskriminierungsfälle in der Schweiz 2023 zeigt einen sprunghaften Anstieg der antisemitischen Vorfälle nach dem Angriff der Hamas und dem nachfolgenden Krieg in Gaza. Damit einher geht eine zunehmende Sichtbarkeit von allgemein diskriminierenden Taten und Hassreden. Die insgesamt 98 registrierten Vorfälle im Jahr 2023 stellen eine Zunahme um mehr als die Hälfte im Vergleich zum Vorjahr dar.

Was für Schlüsse daraus zu ziehen sind und welche Konzepte im Kampf gegen Rassismus und Antisemitismus helfen können sind im vollständigen Bericht inklusive Interview mit Hannan Salamat vom Zürcher Institut für interreligiösen Dialog (ZIID) und der dazugehörigen Medienmitteilung zu finden.


Diskriminierungsbericht 2023

Medienmitteilung Diskriminierungsbericht 2023


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